Allows iTunes U and the iTunes Store to be disabled separately using Parental Controls.Includes many accessibility improvements.Allows CDs to be imported at the same sound quality as iTunes Plus.Provides AutoFill for manually managed iPods.Improves performance when downloading iTunes Plus songs.Adds Genius sidebar for your Movies and TV Shows.Allows friends to request songs for iTunes DJ.Supports syncing with iPod shuffle (3rd generation).

“iTunes 8.1 provides many other improvements and bug fixes,” Apple points out.

“You will enjoy noticeable improvements when working with large libraries, browsing the iTunes Store, preparing to sync with iPod or iPhone, and optimizing photos for syncing,” the company says. “iTunes 8.1 is now faster and more responsive,” according to Apple, which reminds users of the new additions to iTunes 8. The latest version includes the release notes for iTunes 8.1 (adding support for syncing with the 3G iPod shuffle and more), as well as its own changelog, which says that iTunes 8.1.1 adds support for renting HD movies while addressing issues with VoiceOver and syncing. Apple has released an update to its digital media player, iTunes.